Waveguides for quantum spectroscopy.
DigiQ is a European Master Program in Quantum Science and Technology, of which ASP is now an official, affiliated partner. For students it offers participation in "DigiQ networks", online courses, internships, hackathons, schools and more, see https://digiq.eu/ To apply, visit https://digiq.eu/networks.
Waveguides for quantum spectroscopy.
Illustration: Setzpfandt research group

Abbe School of Photonics

Upcoming events at ASP and partners

  1. woman sitting in front of a laptop, her head propped up in her left hand
    Graphic: kanpisut, Christian Horz (stock.adobe.com), K. Ulbricht
    Open consultation hour for students
    13:30 ·
    • Workshop

    Career Point's Information Service

    • presence
    • public
    • barrier-free
  2. Logo Café international
    Graphic: Studierendenwerk Thüringen
    ESN & Café International: Culture Night
    20:00 ·
    • Festive event

    every Wednesday night during the lecture period at the International Centre (Haus auf der Mauer)

    • presence
    • public
    • barrier-free
  3. Außenansicht des Bibliothekshauptgebäudes
    Image: André Karliczek
    Library Induction ThULB in English
    15:00 ·
    • Workshop

    How do I use the library? Where do I find my books? How can I borrow media? and much more... Please register in advance.

    • presence
    • public
    • barrier-free
    • Subject to registration
  4. Preparation of the POLARIS Laser target chamber.
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    Photon-Pair Generation and Nonlinear Interference in Nanophotonic Waveguides
    16:15 ·
    • Lecture

    Defense of doctoral thesis by Pawan Kumar

    • presence
    • public
    • barrier-free
  5. Several students talking
    Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
    Intercultural Training (in English)
    13:00 ·
    • Workshop

    Train your intercultural communication and sensitivity! Free - register now!

    • presence
    • public
    • barrier-free
    • Subject to registration
  6. Dr. Burgard Beleites and Dr. Matthew Schwab in the laser target chamber of the nonlinear optics lab.
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    New Frontiers in Optics: From Non-Linear Optics to Quantum Technologies
    14:00 ·
    • Conference

    Scientific Symposium

    • presence
    • public
All events

Who we are

Working on problems together.

Image: Anna Schroll

The Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) offers internationalized education programs with multidisciplinary coverage in the field of optics, photonics and quantum technology. Topics range from current scientific aspects to engineering with product applications possible in major economic sectors, such as information and communication technology, medicine and health, manufacturing, and energy consumption. Enrolled students are trained for positions in the technical industry or in the world of scientific research in higher academia. Our school is part of a full-scale education photonics program under the auspices of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. Students enrolled in our Master of Science in Photonics or Master of Science in Quantum Science & Technology programs are offered a distinguished education track starting at the Bachelor level, continuing in the Master's degree program and culminating in a coordinated doctoral program (equivalent to Ph.D. level). Very attractive scholarships are available for high-performance applicants. Likewise, students who are enrolled in a Master of Science in Physics can specialize in optics and photonics by choosing from among all elective modules offered by ASP.

What we do

Front facet of the ACP research building.

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

The Master's degree and doctoral programs are based on the profound experience in optics education which distinguishes the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The university has established optics and photonics as one of its key profile fields in education and research. ASP's education programs are embedded in the modern research environment of the Abbe Center of Photonics (ACP). This interfaculty center of the FSU Jena maintains strong bonds with local research institutions, such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision EngineeringExternal link, the Leibniz Institute of Photonic TechnologyExternal link, and the Helmholtz Institute JenaExternal link, as well as with several prominent industrial partners.

Seven good reasons for Jena

  • Campus by night
    Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
    Jena is a student cityExternal link

    20 % of Jena's citizens are students. They value the city’s modern infrastructure, its diverse student culture, parks and recreation areas, theaters, cinemas, shops, cafés, and restaurants!

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