All students of the Abbe School of Photonics are supported by a highly specialized team dedicated to assist you throughout each stage of your studies.We are working in close cooperation with the principal scientists, the University’s institutions, funding agencies and ASP’s industrial partners. Moreover, there are welcome tutors for incoming freshmen, as well as specific tutorials helping you reach the milestones of the first semester at our school.
To reach out for help on your personal request, please direct your emails specifically to:
Applications for ASP's Master's degree program: master-asp@uni-jena.de
Applications for ASP's Doctoral program: phd-asp@uni-jena.de
Reservation of ACP rooms and facilities: rebeca.roeppenack@uni-jena.de
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)Dr. Roland ACKERMANN
Head of the Experimental Optics Course for the Master's program
Phone: +49 3641 9-47821
Email: roland.ackermann@uni-jena.de
Institute of Applied Physics @Nolte group
Mina Afsharnia.
Image: PrivateMina AFSHARNIA
Quantum Education & Communication
Phone: +49 3641 9-47569
Email: mina.afsharnia@uni-jena.de
Abbe Center of PhotonicsExternal link Office 201
Ramona Balmelli
Image: PrivateRamona BALMELLI
Coordinator Quantum Master's degree program
Phone: +49 3641 9-47578
Email: ramona.balmelli@uni-jena.de
Abbe Center of PhotonicsExternal link - Office 202
Abbe School of Photonics - Beutenberg officeExternal link - Office E0.2.203
Canan Gallitschke.
Image: Private archive.Canan GALLITSCHKE
Photonics and Quantum Digitalization
Phone: +49 3641-9-47577
Email: canan.gallitschke@uni-jena.de
Abbe Center of PhotonicsExternal link Office 201
Johannes Kretzschmar
Image: PrivateJohannes KRETZSCHMAR
Lichtwerkstatt Makerspace
CTO Lichtwerkstatt MakerspaceExternal link
Phone: +49 3641 9-47577
Email: johannes.kretzschmar@uni-jena.de
Lichtwerkstatt @Abbe Center of PhotonicsExternal link Office 201
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)Dr. Maria LANGHAMMER
CZS Jena Alliance, including the graduate schools JSMC, JSMM, ASP and MPSP
Coordinator Jena Alliance Life in FocusExternal link
Phone: +49 3641 9-401360
Email: maria.langhammer@uni-jena.de
Office at the Graduate Academy Jena de
Fabian LUKAS
Image: PrivateFabian LUKAS
Digital Teaching Lab at Max Planck School of Photonics
Email: fabian.lukas@uni-jena.de
Phone: +49 3641-9-47553
Max Planck School of PhotonicsExternal link Office E0.2.206
Rebeca Röppenack
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)Rebeca RÖPPENACK
Administration of ACP/ASP
Team assistant
Phone: +49 3641 9-47961
Email: rebeca.roeppenack@uni-jena.de
Abbe Center of Photonics Office 204
Dr. Dorit Schmidt
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)Dr. Dorit SCHMIDT
Coordinator Master's degree programs
Phone: +49 3641 9-47965
Email: dorit.schmidt@uni-jena.de
ASP Helmholtzweg Office 118External link
Image: Anna SchollDr. Anna SPÄTHE
Support for ASP's Doctoral Students, Coordination of the German-Australian IRTG 2675, Finance Coordinator of the Max Planck School of Photonics
Phone: +49 3641 9-47964
Email: phd-asp@uni-jena.de
Abbe School of Photonics - Beutenberg officeExternal link - Office E0.2.204
Institute of Solid State Physics - IRTG 2675 officeExternal link
Irene Weinzierl
Image: PrivatIrene WEINZIERL
Coordinator Photonics Master's degree program
Phone: +49 3641 9-47578
Email: irene.weinzierl@uni-jena.de
Abbe Center of PhotonicsExternal link - Office 202
Abbe School of Photonics - Beutenberg officeExternal link - Office E0.2.203