Working on problems together.

Open PhD and Postdoc Positions

ASP is permanently offering open PhD and postdoctoral positions. In addition, you can spontaneously apply at every single research group at any time.
Working on problems together.
Image: Anna Schroll

Apply for our program – online and at any time

We warmly welcome applications from international applicants at any time. Beside the topics given below, feel free to assess the research portfolio of all our researchers at Beside specultive applications, a pool of specific positions and open calls are always available. To apply at a specific call, please follow the instructions given there.

We are currently setting up a now PhD Online Application Portal which will be open within a few days. Please stay tuned!


Filling of a spectro-electrochemical cell.
Filling of a spectro-electrochemical cell.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)

12 PhD Positions for the new Research Training Group PhInt (published August 2024)

Within the framework of the new interdisciplinary Research Training Group 3014 “Photo-polarizable Interfaces and Membranes” funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG), we are seeking to fill up to 12 Doctoral Researach (PhD) positions (65 %, TV-L 13) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena starting in November.

The application deadline is July 31st, 2024.

For details and the guidelines how to apply, please review carefully the call announcement and follow the instructions given there.External link

The Abbe School of Photonics and Lichtwerkstatt team in 2020.
The Abbe School of Photonics and Lichtwerkstatt team in 2020.
Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Staff position (TV-L 11) for coordinating the M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology (published July 2024)

We are seeking an exceptional personality for filling the task of coordinating and further developing our new Master course for Quantum Science & Technology! The position is directly integrated in the core team of the Abbe School of Photonics and its rich education and research environment.

The application deadline is August 15th, 2024.

Link to the announcement including all application detailspdf, 143 kb · de

Photonics laboratory.
Photonics laboratory.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

R&D topics in Fiber Laser Physics (updated February 2024)

The fiber laser group at the IAP, lead by Prof. Jens Limpert, is permanently recruiting enthusiastic young scientist and is offering: 

  • interesting and relevant topics
  • an excellent supervision from internship level up to PhD
  • a highly endowed renumeration and
  • exceptional carrier opportunities.

If you are interested in working in the field of laser physics and joining this group, please get in contact with and learn more about available topics, e.g. as trial period in a paid internship or Master thesis. If you want to apply for a PhD thesis, please use the Online Application SystemExternal link.

Link to the announcementpdf, 861 kb · de

Photo-emission electron microscopy setup.
Photo-emission electron microscopy setup.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

PhD position on "Electronic structure and strong-field calculations for atoms and ions" at the Fritzsche research group (updated January 2024)

The Relativistic Quantum Dynamics Group of Prof. Stephan Fritzsche at the Institute of Theoretical Physics is offering a PhD position under the topic mentioned in the header. For more details, please review the position announcementpdf, 30 kb and contact directly.


ASP Master student group picture.
ASP Master student group picture.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Several PhD positions in the CRC 1375 NOA - Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales (updated January 2024)

The Collaborative Research Center (CRC/SFB) 1375 "NOA – Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales" was established at the Friedrich Schiller University is now running in its second funding phase until 2027. NOA is a large research effort and is thus permanently looking for enthusiastic PhD candidates who take the initiative to apply.

For details, please visit