Michelson-Interferometer in the experimental optics course.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Having extensive hands-on experience is one of the most valuable professional attributes a true expert in optics and photonics must possess. To already strengthen laboratory experience during the beginning of the Master's degree program, the ASP provides an optics training laboratory where high-level experiments using exclusively research-grade components and equipment can be performed. The laboratory equipment contains continuous-wave and pulsed lasers and allows for training in interferometry, linear and nonlinear spectroscopy, optical time-domain reflectrometry and optical tweezing, to name a few. These techniques were selected with respect to their educational value and devised by ASP's senior scientists and academic tutors. They are fully operated by ASP Master's degree students.
Fabry-Perot interferometer in the experimental optics course.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Currently, the optics training laboratory is systematically incorporated into the doctoral program to enable candidates to efficiently utilize a broad spectrum of experimental methods in their research projects. This strong commitment of allowing a maximum of hands-on experience during early studies is a clearly distinguishing feature of ASP's teaching philosophy when compared to other educational institutions. Moreover, to support our Master's degree and doctoral students in their experimental abilities to self-reliably analyze and solve challenges in optics and photonics, these are granted full access to the Abbe Center of Photonics laboratories and their respective research equipment from the beginning of their training onwards.