Submit Abstract

Formatting of the Abstract

The submission for DoKDoK should consist of a 1-page abstract in PDF format (.pdf). Additionally, you need to upload the corresponding Word document (.docx) or LaTeX sources (.tex), including all pictures (limited to .jpg and .png files).

The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise introduction to your research topic, keeping in mind that the audience may not be specialized in your field.

To format the abstract correctly, please adhere to the following instructions:

  • The abstract should not exceed one page and should offer a brief overview of the research topic to be presented at DoKDoK, including a short introduction. You can refer to the template provided to understand the proper formatting.
  • Please avoid modifying the template settings to fit more text or information onto one page. It is important to adhere to the page limit.
  • Authors must submit a publication-ready version of the abstract. Therefore, please provide the original file (.docx or .tex) along with the picture files in .jpg or .png format.
  • DO NOT upload ZIP/RAR files! Each file of the abstract should be uploaded individually.

For LaTeX template:

  • Unzip all the files before editing the abstract. If you are using Overleaf as the editor, make sure to upload all the files, including the dokdok.cls file.
  • DO NOT use any external bibliography file (e.g., .bib file) for referencing! Stick to the standard format mentioned in the .tex file of the template.
  • The .tex file should be compiled with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, NOT with PDFLaTeX! If you are using Overleaf as the editor, you can find the option to change the compiler in the Menu tab.

For more detailed formatting information, please refer to the README.docx and dokdok_template.pdf for Word template, or example.tex and example.pdf for LaTeX template.

Remember, ONLY abstracts with proper formatting will be accepted!

Please use one of the following templates to prepare your submission. The templates in LaTeX and MS Word formats can be downloaded here:

DOWNLOAD [LaTeX Template]zip, 1 mb · de

DOWNLOAD [MS Word Template]zip, 1 mb · de

If you have any questions regarding the formatting of the template, drop us an email at


Authors are required to write an original abstract that fulfills accepted criteria for copyright purposes. Accepted abstracts will be published in the DoKDoK Proceedings.

By submitting an abstract, all authors attest that the abstract submitted has not been previously published elsewhere. If an author chooses to submit information from an abstract that has previously been presented and/or published, all data must be updated, current, and rewritten in a manner that does not infringe on copyright laws. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to include any copyrighted material in their abstract presentations.


The deadline for the abstract submission is extended to 30th June, 2024 (closed).