Alumni who successfully graduated in the MSc Photonics program in 2022 or later.
Fused group picture of the ASP Master students enrolled in 2019.
Image: RHubert
Zohra Shikhalizada
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on May 15, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Sequential imaging of single planes by laser-line scanning compared to simultaneous 3D imaging by light-field detection for high speed microscopy
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Yuzhen ZHANG
MSc degree awarded on April 28, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Theoretical and experimental determination of the tip temperature for thermal Scanning Probe Lithography
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Zixiao YU
MSc degree awarded on April 24, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Design and Fabrication of Microoptical Elements via 3D Direct Laser Writing
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Gary Daniel BURNS
MSc degree awarded on March 24, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Transport Measurements of Josephson Junctions at Cryogenic Temperatures via CMOS Switches
Vilborg Vala Sigurjónsdóttir
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on March 24, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Fully automated in-situ fabrication of ultra-high absorbing materials by metastable atomic layer deposition
Nayantara Rose
Image: Private
Nayantara JOSE
MSc degree awarded on March 21, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Peak power enhancement for ytterbium based ultrafast fiber-laser systems
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Yutong WANG
MSc degree awarded on March 14, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Realization of a 2D Polarization Fluorescence Imaging (2D POLIM) Microscope and its Setup Control
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on March 14, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Testing extended quantum theory with multi-photon states
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Muhammed Fatih AKAL
MSc degree awarded on March 7, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Integrated Optical Filter Design in InP for Coherent Optical Communications in Space
Lufan Du
Image: Private
Lufan DU
MSc degree awarded on February 24, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Imaging of Low-Electron-Density Plasma filamentation with MIR Pulses
Nabil Halem
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on February 20, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Laser Diode Beam Collimation in Augmented Reality Glasses
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on February 16, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Organic Solar Cells Encapsulation by Solution Processed Barriers
Rahil Rezwan
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on February 15, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Pump-Probe Spectroscopy of Patterned Layered Materials
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Zhenfei YI
MSc degree awarded on February 13, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Spatial frequency mode locking
Anonymous female.
Image: Private
Title of MSc thesis: Basic considerations of Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
Fredy John Porathur
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on February 9, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: A study of the applicability of the ams OSRAM UV sensor AS7331 to detect / monitor partial discharges in electrical machines
Anonymous female.
Image: Private
Jiayi LU
MSc degree awarded on February 3, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Process Simulation and Grayscale Photolithographic Patterning of Ultra-deep Optical Microstructures
Karen Lorano Mendez
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on January 1, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Post-selection Free Franson Interference of Hyperentangled Quantum States
Zhiqiang Lin
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
Zhiqiang LIN
MSc degree awarded on January 1, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Phase-Shifted Fiber Bragg Gratings via Localized Femtosecond Photo-Treatment
Zhi Li
Image: Private
Zhi LI
MSc degree awarded on January 1, 2023
Title of MSc thesis: Investigations on the Simultaneous Multiple Surface Method for Design of Imaging Systems
Shiqi Fan
Image: Private
Shiqi FAN
MSc degree awarded on December 22, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: On-chip waveguide biosensor mode
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on December 16, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Quantum Ghost Imaging using SPAD array
Anonymous female.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on December 15, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Dynamic biophysical imaging via combined Interferometric scattering and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Micoscopy
Pei Zhang
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on December 8, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Phase-Volume Effect on Two-color Laser Field Light-matter Interactions
Sai Lanka
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on December 8, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Study of Vortex Dynamics and Transport Properties in Type II Superconducting NbN Thin Films
Anonymous female.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on December 2, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Digital Stereographic Printing System for the Realization of Edge-Lit Holograms
Maritza Londono Velasquez
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on November 28, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Interlayer Exciton and Trion Photoluminescence in Twisted 2D Heterostructures of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on November 18, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Non-invasive glucose concentration detection based on its specific rotation in human tissues
Xiao Yang
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on November 10, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Design of High Power Laser Diode Stack on laser welding
Eda Bingöl
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on October 27, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: UC2-OCT: Open-Source Low-Cost 3D-Printed Full-Filled Time-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography with UC2
Kevin Tam
Image: Private
Ka Kit Kevin TAM
MSc degree awarded on October 26, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Dynamical Mass Generation in Asymptotically Safe QED
Xiangyun Zhang
Image: Private
Xiangyun ZHANG
MSc degree awarded on October 14, 2022
Title of MSc thesis:Self-Guided Quantum Tomography of High Dimensional Spatial States of Photons
Ahmed Mohamed
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
Ahmed Yehia Abdelwahab MOHAMED
MSc degree awarded on October 10, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Investigation, Implementation and Optimization of Multi-Tone BOFDA Measurements
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on October 4, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Design and realization of a multistage high power monolithic fiber amplifier at eye-safe wavelength
Tzu-Ting Huang
Image: Privat
Tzu-Ting HUANG
MSc degree awarded on September 23, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Designing High-Refractive Index Polymers: Phosphorus- and Sulfur-containing Copolymers and Block Copolymers
Sai Shradha
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on September 23, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Nonlinear Optics in Embedded 2D Materials
Adewale Adejimi
Image: Privat
MSc degree awarded on September 22, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Analysis of Brownian Motion of Nanoparticles using Imaging Flow Cytometry
Nico Döll
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on September 21, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Hong-Ou-Mandel Interferometer for Applications in quantum Communication
Anonymous female.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on September 16, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Design and characterization of field widened Michelson interferometer for quantum communication
Hui Wang
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on September 2, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Evaluation of suspended core fibers for nanoparticle tracking analysis
Mohammad Mishuk
Image: Private
Mohammad MISHUK
MSc degree awarded on August 30, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Characterization of Suspended Monolayer 2D Materials for He Atom Detection
Qiang Wang
Image: Private
Qiang WANG
MSc degree awarded on August 26, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Advanced Design Techniques for active dielectric Nanophotonics
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Nitish JAIN
MSc degree awarded on August 25, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Investigation of the Suitability for Employing Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion Sources for Entangled Photon Pair Absorption for Fluorescence Excitation
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on August 17, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Implementing objective image quality measurement methods for optical smart glass elements
Daniel Nwatu
Image: Privat
Daniel NWATU
MSc degree awarded on August 2, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Group-delay ripple reduction in femtoseconds inscribed chirped fiber bragg gratings
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Prafullakumar JOSHI
MSc degree awarded on July 19, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Optimizing the PLD parameters for trilayer YBCO1/STO/YBCO2 thin film deposition on MgO substrates for step edge Josephson junction high TC dc SQUID fabrication
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Trideep KAWDE
MSc degree awarded on July 11, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Terahertz generation using two color plasma filament
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on July 8, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Noise analysis and optimization of ultrafast thulium-doped fiber laser systems
Meng Luo
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
Meng LUO
MSc degree awarded on July 1, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Modeling of Temperature Distribution which is induced by laser light in a cylindrical body
Portrait of Yang Ye
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
Yang YE
MSc degree awarded on June 29, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Temporal and Spectral Characterization of a Timepix Detector for X-ray Polarimetry
Anonymous female.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on June 29, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Raman spectroscopy characterization of antibiotic treatment on extracellular and intracellular Staphylococcus aureus
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Jian-Ying HE
MSc degree awarded on June 23, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Modeling UV and VUV optical losses of rough aluminum films
Joshua Jordaaan
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on June 21, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Large Area Multiwavelength Dielectric Metalenses: Inverse Design and Optimization
Anonymous female.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on May 20, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Calculation of initial setups for freeform mirror systems
Leif Jerome Jahn
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
Leif Jerome JAHN
MSc degree awarded on May 11, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Design and Fabrication of a Nanoprinted Nonlinear Waveguide
Maryam Nouman
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on April 1, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Temperature dependence of the photoluminescence of two-dimentional tungsten disulfide (WS2)
Jannik Nudig
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
Jannik NUDIG
MSc degree awarded on March 24, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Lithographische Strukturierung von Spektrometergittern auf Spezialsubstraten
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
Gilbert DARKO
MSc degree awarded on February 9, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Design and Implement a Real-Time Distortion Correction Software Application for Holographic Head-Up Displays
Namig Alazgarzade
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on February 8, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Study of the Mechanisms Governing Ultrafast Laser Waveguide Inscription in Silicon and Associated Properties
Zhen Xing
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on January 29, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Design Method of Freeform Off-axis Reflective Imaging System
Supervisor: Prof. Herbert Gross
Arni Pratiwi
Image: Christoph Worsch (University of Jena)
MSc degree awarded on January 26, 2022
Title of MSc Thesis: Investigation of Fluorescence Properties of Thulium Doped MCVD and Novel Crystal-Derived Fibers
Anonymous male.
Image: Private
MSc degree awarded on January 20, 2022
Title of MSc thesis: Modeling and Optical Analysis of Micro-Structured Spectacle Lenses