A Moodle-based collection of useful information for a successful start of your Master studies at ASP.
Students on their arrival in Jena
Image: Johannes Kretschmar
Guidance for your Start
Kickstarter Course
Graphic: Johannes Kretzschmar
Our ASP Kickstarter Moodle course consists of a collection of hints and advices for a successful start of studies in Jena with a particular focus on local characteristics, practical advices and also strategies for studying online.
Note: The ASP Kickstarter information was originally conceived for students of the M.Sc. Photonics, but most of it is equally valid and important for all students enrolled in the new M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology!
We provide information by use of various formats like videos, plain texts, infographics or interactive challenges. The choice depends on the topic at hand, so that our students can start their studies well prepared.