Group Photo

DoKDoK 2024

Jena's famous and by now traditional "Doctoral Students' Conference for the Discussion of Optical Concepts" - a conference series by doctoral students for doctoral students.
Group Photo
Image: Privat

DoKDoK 2024

After the resounding success of DoKDoK 2023, we are thrilled to announce the organising of DoKDoK 2024. With the experiences gained from the past events, feedback from our previous participants, speakers and other attendees, we are excited to work hard for the upcoming event. We are looking forward to meeting new people to share new research, knowledge and make new connections. 

DoKDoK 2024 is scheduled on 26th to 30th August 2024. Mark your calendars and stay tuned for updates!


The registration is extended to 1st August 2024.

Registation and accommodation fee

The registration fee for the conference is 100 Euro.

We offer two accommodation options:

  1. Double Room (individual beds): 55 Euro per person per night
  2. Single Room: 85 Euro per person per night

Breakfast is included in the accommodation fee.

Meet our keynote speakers

Pagination Page 1 of 74
Location of conference: Ringberg Hotel, Suhl

Testimonials from previous speakers

  • Dr. Hendrik Huthoff
    Dr. Hendrik Huthoff
    Image: Privat
  • Dr. Markus Gräfe
    Dr. Markus Gräfe
    Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)
  • Dr. Philip Russell FRS
    Dr. Philip Russell FRS
    Image: Privat
  • Prof. Rich Mildren
    Prof. Rich Mildren
    Image: Privat
  • Prof. Dr. Silvana Botti
    Prof. Dr. Silvana Botti
    Image: Privat
  • Sven Kiontke
    Sven Kiontke
    Image: Asphericon GmbH


  • Carl Zeiss Logo
    Image: Carl Zeiss AG
  • PPE Logo
    Image: Photonics Precision Engineering GmbH

Our sponsors

AHF Logo
Jenoptik Logo
Layertec Logo
MBO Logo
Menlo Systems Logo
Micro-Hybrid Logo
Schaefter Kirchhoff Logo
Zurich instruments Logo
Quantum Design Logo
LightTrans Logo
Optonet Logo
Trumpf logo
Thorlabs logo

Feel free to have a look into the archives of former ASP events , including various DoKDoK events!